關於久億 About JIUYI


在經營上,久億精密體認到要生產高品質的產品,要有更良好的工業技術。有鑑於此,我們投入大量資金採購國外的先進設備與品檢儀器,亦使得久億精密在手工具界領域的成長更為充實。至今,公司的產品品質能夠深獲國內外客戶的認同,要感謝舊雨新知多年來的對我們的愛護和支持,敬請繼續不吝指導和鼓勵, 我們將秉持精益求精、時時創新的理念,堅持一貫服務熱誠,期待和貴公司創造更新的商業契機。

Jiu-yi is established in 1998, The major items of business are hand-tool gauges, flat plunger gauges, special metallurgic inspection instruments, auto engine blades, oil press pump blades, and air conditioner compressor blades, etc.
Since the foundation Jiu-yi realizes that not only the producing the high-quality products is more important but also an outstanding industrial technology is even more essential. In view of this, In order to achieve the great demand on high precise products, we especially employ the most accurate testing instrument to standardize our quality control for ensuring our reputation and customers’ satisfiability. We will make the best efforts to provide the industry with stable quality, reasonable price, and perfect services; such effort makes Jiu-yi with conspicuous growth in the field of hand tool manufacturing in Taiwan.
Every member of Jiu-yi appreciates you for your support in the recent years; please continuously provide us with your opinion or criticism without sparing, we look forward new cooperation opportunities with your company.